York Game Sanctuary, in the County of Franklin

The following named territory; on the property of the following named persons, to wit: On land of J. Lewis York and on land of Yorks; said game sanctuary being in the northwest corner of Dallas Plantation, and bounded as follows, to wit: West by the east line of the Town of Rangeley; north by the south line of Lang Plantation; east by the west line of the public lot in Dallas Plantation; and south by land of Furbish, Goodspeed Company and land of the heirs of Henry Bliss, containing 539 acres, more or less. This game sanctuary is called the York Game Sanctuary.

For provisions relating specifically to York Game Sanctuary, in the County of Franklin, see section 12707, subsection 2, paragraph B.

Note: Loon Lake is not properly colored as a body of water in the map below.
